After a lifetime of sports, work and family life, I had a laundry list of health issues - badly torn meniscus in both knees, shoulder bursitis, elbow tendonitis, digestive issues, allergies, crazy hormones, insomnia, anxiety and depression.
I was determined to keep going and daily pushed through the pain. I was petrified that if I stopped moving, I’d never get up again. I’d have short periods of recovery, but quickly get back to training. But nature has a way of breaking what doesn’t bend, and eventually I WAS in too much pain to move. I was physically and mentally broken.
I was scheduled for surgery, but just kept postponing. I knew that conventional treatments of surgery, pain medications and cortisone injections were temporary fixes, and would lead to side effects requiring more surgeries and medications. It was a slippery slope I did not want to get on.
I instinctively knew the body could heal itself given the right tools. So I tried many alternative therapies, all with limited success.
By chance I came across Light Therapy. After one session on my knee, the pain and swelling was way down and I felt a glimmer of hope. After using the lights for 6 months, I was 99% pain free. All swelling was gone and I was able to start exercising again.
I immediately wanted to learn how and why Light Therapy works. Having science and engineering qualifications, although may not seem relevant, allowed me to use scientific method to analyse the science and the claims behind Light Therapy. Now I want to share this healing modality with everyone!
A year on, my aches and pains are largely gone, my intestinal health has improved and my depression and anxiety are now rare. During this journey, I became a Certified Light Therapist.
My aim now is to help others restore their health and vitality, so they can get on with living their life to the fullest.
Irena Sprey (Certified Light Therapist, B.A.N.H.S)
Light Therapy (or Photo-bio-modulation) is the application of very specific wavelengths of light to living tissue to cause a biological change.
Light Therapy uses red, blue, and near infrared light to dramatically increase circulation to injury sites and areas of chronic pain. The increased blood flow improves tissue oxygenation. This results in a rapid pain relief, improved sensation and regeneration of damaged tissues and nerves.
Light Therapy provides the cells with the energy to do their job.
Lowers pain
Increases circulation
Decreases inflammation
Stimulates the immune system
Speeds up healing and tissue regeneration
Activates acupuncture points
Your first visit will last 60-90 minutes. We will go over the paperwork and I’ll answer any questions you might have about Light Therapy. Then I will place light pads directly on your skin (or over your clothes), in areas relevant to the health issue being addressed. When the session is completed we will assess any changes and discuss further treatment. Click here for more FAQs
Though everyone responds differently, most people report feeling very relaxed. Some experience immediate relief from their symptoms, while others take several sessions to notice a change. It is important to understand that Light Therapy isn’t a miracle cure. People with long term, chronic conditions tend to improve gradually. Where as those with recent injuries tend to see results faster. Click here for more FAQs.
I get this question almost every day. So here’s my best answer. Light Therapy will reduce pain and inflammation, improve circulation and promote cellular repair and healing. It provides your cells with the energy to do the work they’re meant to do. So, if reducing pain, improving circulation and repairing your cells will help your condition, then, YES Light Therapy will work for you. Click here for more FAQs.
Although some people can experience a reduction in symptoms on the first session, for most Light Therapy is not an immediate miracle transformation, but it will provide you with ongoing improvements that you will begin to see in anywhere from 24 hours to 2 months, depending on the condition, its severity, and how regularly you have Light Therapy.You should expect to see gradual, consistent improvement with consistent treatment. When using red / infrared light for pain relief, for example, you can expect to feel somewhat better right away. However, it’s not like taking an Nurofen, which will mask the pain for a while. Consistent treatment with Light Therapy will often heal the cause of the pain. Click here for more FAQs.
The effectiveness of Light Therapy has been known for decades and has been proven in over 5000 studies, currently available in the PubMed database. Long before FDA approval in the United States, Light Therapy has been used in European countries and by professional athletes and veterinarians worldwide. Clinical studies continue to be conducted by universities, health organisations and equipment manufacturers, all of whom have documented the healing effects of using red and infrared light therapy. Click here for more FAQs.
No. Light Therapy devices do not produce UV rays. Skin Cancer is caused by exposure to UV wavelengths. The wavelengths produced by Light Therapy devices (red and near-infrared) are at the other end of the light spectrum, far away from the UV range. Click here for more FAQs.
90-minute Initial Consultation (includes light therapy)
Available for first-time clients only
3 x 90-minute sessions - $255
Let's talk about the eyes, the “windows to our soul”. You also want to be able to look out of those windows and see wha
When people ask me - Can Light Therapy heal “X”? My answer is always - Yes, it can! How can I be so certain? How